The observatory of the STScI is an exercise and research facility for astronomy working groups at schools and educational institutions.
The main goal is to motivate students for STEM subjects. Pupils are familiarized with analytical working methods in our school laboratory, perform scientific observations at the largest telescope in our province and present the results.
We pay special attention to socially disadvantaged young people. Talent and enthusiasm are not socially determined and we know from our own experience how difficult it can be in our educational system to recognize and realize one’s own inclinations and abilities. We counteract this!
Our observatory is a marketplace for pupils, students, teachers and scientists. This includes exploring the universe, understanding science, handling technology, etc., etc. – and BBQ!
We don’t give marks – enthusiasm counts!
Online Forum
We run our own online forum to exchange information about the observatory and the school network. Interested schools or teachers who want to actively participate are invited to contact us to be activated after registration. We encourage the direct exchange between teachers and their astro working groups to support each other or to carry out joint projects. Interested persons, who want to participate actively in our work on site, are also cordially invited.
Schools involved
- Altenkirchen – August-Sander-Schule
- Bad Marienberg – Evangelisches Gymnasium
- Berkenroth – Freie Schule
- Betzdorf-Kirchen – Integrierte Gesamtschule
- Engelskirchen – Aggertal Gymnasium
- Gummersbach – Freie Waldorfschule Oberberg
- Gummersbach – Lindengymnasium
- Hamm – Integrierten Gesamtschule
- Köln-Rodenkirchen – Gymnasium
- Lindlar – Gymnasium
- Marienheide – Gesamtschule
- Nümbrecht – Homburgisches Gymnasium
- Waldbröl – Gesamtschule
- Waldbröl – Hollenberg Gymnasium
- Waldbröl – Roseggerschule
- Wiehl – Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnasium
- Windeck-Herchen – Bodelschwingh-Gymnasium
- Wipperfürth – Engelbert-von-Berg-Gymnasium
- Wissen – Kopernikus Gymnasium