STScI receives regional government homeland cheque

For the unbureaucratic promotion of projects of local associations and initiatives, which concern themselves with homeland, the Ministry for homeland, communal, building and equalization of the province North Rhine...

Visitors follow lunar eclipse

At our first public event, which was not even announced, we were literally overwhelmed by visitors. Around 50 students, teachers and other visitors followed this year’s lunar eclipse on 27 July. The STScI...

STScI receives 58.000 Euros

The STScI receives 58,000 euros from the Hans Hermann Voss Foundation in Wipperfürth. This makes it possible to equip the SchoolLab in particular with sophisticated instruments and protective facilities. These include...

Leben im All?

Gibt es außerirdisches Leben auf einer „zweiten Erde“ in einem anderen Sternsystem? Gibt es dort vielleicht sogar intelligentes Leben? Und wenn ja, können wir Kontakt aufnehmen? Mit der Entdeckung extrasolarer Planeten...