Comet Neowise

After its discovery by the space telescope WISE on March 7, 2020, comet C/2020 F3 “NEOWISE” turned out to be THE comet event of 2020. At the beginning of July it became visible to the naked eye and could be...

Pillars of Creation

“Pillars of Creation” is the name of a formation in the Eagle Nebula in the constellation Hydra. In April 1995 the star forming regions about 7000 light years away were photographed with the Hubble Space...

First picture from the school lab

With the “small” telescopes in our school lab, remarkable images are possible. One example is the “Elephant’s Trunk”, an emission nebula in the open star cluster IC 1396 about 2.400...

Photovoltaic is installed

Our roof is now covered with solar cells, which is designed to provide us with free energy throughout the year. This is an important step towards the sustainable operation of the observatory.