
Motorcycle Rockers at the Observatory

We had already feared it – again and again one warned us that our observatory could attract also dubious figures, but we dismissed this again and again as exaggerated fear. Today it happened. The first rocker...

Astronomy is civil engineering

After all the years of construction, we still experience special machines for our work from time to time. A vibrating plate was in our professional use at some point, but not in the fingers of our club members. Simon...

The observatory is officially opened

Together with our sponsors and helpers we celebrated the opening of the observatory on May 6. The appreciation of the supporters by our association board (Dr. Thomas Eversberg), greetings from the Oberbergischer Kreis...

Astrophysics in the school lab

Sodium on the sun. Girls Day at STScI on April 27, 2023: At one of the observation stations in the school lab, the young women were able to experience in their own experiment how astrophysicists gain knowledge with the...

Astrophysics on the kitchen table

We were lucky! We had good weather and so we could not only present our work and the observatory to sixteen guests for Girl’s Day, but also perform several practical experiments and observations. Probably none of...

Astrophotography on Girls’Day

Welcome to the Girls’Day at April 27 at the school observatory Waldbröl/Schnörringen. The Schnörringen Telescope Science Institute (STScI) operates an observatory for youngsters in Waldbröl with the largest...

During the day it also works…

It’s easy to forget that our sun is also a star and observations with the right instruments are very exciting. All stations in our school lab are equipped from the start with special filters that attenuate all...

The comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)

After never having been able to photograph a comet in the last few years, mainly because of the weather, this year it looked as if the weather had planned to make up for the drought of the last few years in one fell...

Exciting views of the Rosette Nebula

The Rosette Nebula is a beautiful astrophotography target that can be explored even with small telescopes. Rosette is the French word for small rose. With a little imagination, the finished image certainly lives up to...

IT security at the observatory

Our school observatory is professionally digitalized and has access to the Internet. This contains significant dangers, especially for the youngsters, which we actively counteract with a strong firewall and a well...